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Cheri Hill grew up in Northern California (ocean, wine country and redwoods) until relocating to Reno Nevada (desert and sagebrush) in 1992 – yes there was culture shock!


Extremely curious and open to opportunity she began her working career at age 14 as a Fry Cook at the local racetrack. 10 years as an Escrow Officer; 1 year Apprentice Carpenter; 5 years Chocolate Manufacturing Business Owner; 2 years Sales Rep at Industry Trade Shows; Temp Jobs; all while playing sports and long stints as Renaissance Faire Wench, Softball Umpire and Soccer Referee.



Realizing she wasn’t quite cut out to be an employee, she and her father, C.W. Allen started Sage International, Inc. in 1993 based on an eye-opening experience with the IRS and their involvement with a company that formed Nevada corporations. They were amazed that people from all over the world wanted to form Nevada corporations because Nevada has no state income taxes. Through Sage International, Inc. Cheri began a fascinating and very educational journey into the world of business. Now 30 years later and still going strong she attributes her “smarts” to the thousands and thousands of conversations she has with people from every walk of life that typically starts with the dream of owning their own business. All of these interactions shaped her destiny and earned her the right to call herself the “Wealth Protection Diva”. A premier business strategist, national speaker, best-selling author, creative mentor, and teacher it was really the next evolution of her career to develop a weekly radio show to leverage and expand her talents. The Cheri Hill Show has grown from a local program to one with international reach.


It works because Cheri can totally relate. Having direct personal experience with everything it takes to start, grow and sustain a successful company from scratch she finds it easy to speak from the heart about the joys and frustrations of being a business owner. Her insights are motivating. Her frankness inspiring.


A master connector who is constantly on the look- out for those hidden gems: a brilliant cadre of experts who can offer current insights, solid information, usable tips and fabulous resources with a purpose to educate (a format totally unheard of in talk radio!) Cheri figures why not share her findings with a broader audience by actively engaging in robust discussions on what works and doesn’t work in business from start-up through well-designed exit strategies and of course, everything necessary for success in between. Her goal is to move her listeners beyond just surviving into thriving.


Cheri is very proud of the consistent role her company Sage International, Inc. has played in supporting the economic engine driving this country – small business – the backbone of America!


Bottom line: If Cheri can challenge you to think in innovative ways or offer encouragement to embrace new ideas, opportunities or fresh perspectives that create positive change then of course she would simply ask: “Why wouldn’t you spend an hour a week so you can shake up the status quo?“ Think of her as the friend that gives you advice and keeps you headed in the right direction by helping you see a positive future while keeping things grounded in reality.


Cheri is super busy as a business owner, master connector and serving on several nonprofit boards including Nevadaworks (Chair) and The Community Foundation of Western Nevada, (Trustee).  Let's also add Mom ♥ Wife ♥ Daughter ♥ Beekeeper ♥ Vital Friend.

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